Oral Surgery

Full range of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Impacted teeth

Crooked teeth are wisdom teeth that cannot erupt completely due to the influence of other teeth. Crooked  wisdom teeth may lead to pericoronitis or harm adjacent teeth.


是智齒受其他牙齒影響而未能完全牙萌出的阻生齒。 阻生智齒可能會造成冠周炎或損壞相鄰牙。

Treatment of dental cysts

Oral and maxillofacial cysts are mainly odontogenic cysts related to the tissue of teeth. Usually odontogenic cysts cause jawbone swelling. Due to to its variety, dentists will take X-ray films first. If cyst-like images are seen. further pathological sections are needed for diagnosis, in addition, oral and maxillofacial dentists will examine some non-odontogenic cysts in the soft tissue and jawbone carefully. All these done, the treatment procedure will be planned in detail for the patient.


口腔及顎顏面區的囊腫,以和牙齒的組織相關的齒源性囊腫為主, 齒源性囊腫通常會造成顎骨腫脹,因為有多種不同種類,醫生會先照x-光片, 如有囊腫樣的影像,還需進一步的病理切片才能確定, 另外還有一些出現在軟組織及顎骨內的非齒源性囊腫, 也都需要口腔顎顏面牙醫詳細的檢查。最後才會為病人詳細規劃治療程序。

Osseous Surgery

When deep dental pocket and defective dentale occur, dentale surgery is recommended to prolong the life span of the patient’s teeth.



Oral Cancer

90% of malignant tumors in the mouth are squamous cell carcinoma. The oral cavity includes the lips, buccal mucosa (the lining of lips and cheeks), teeth, the bottom of the mouth below the tongue, the top 2/3 of the tongue, the front part of the mouth (hard jaw), gums, and small areas behind molars. Surgery, radiation therapy and /or chemotherapy is needed If oral cancer is not detected in its early stage. As Oral cancer is fatal, early detection of oral cancer is essential to successful treatment.


生在口腔部位之惡性腫瘤的總稱, 90%屬於鱗狀細胞癌,口腔包括的部位有唇、頰黏膜(唇和臉頰的內襯)、 牙齒、舌頭下方的口腔底部、前三分之二的舌頭、 口腔頂部的前面部分(硬顎)、牙齦以及臼齒後方的小區域。 口腔癌若未能及早發現,就需要接受手術、放射線治療與/或化學治療。口腔癌也可能致命,因此口腔癌的早期偵測是治療能否成功的關鍵。

Jaw Reconstruction

Corrections of Soft Tissues

Soft tissue surgery and other operations will correct excess exposure, excess height or atrophy of gums.




The labial frenulum is the ligament connecting the lips, several in the upper jaw and several others in the lower jaw. The labial frenulum is attached to the outside of the dental ridge. Dental intervals and periodontal problems will occur when the attachment position is either too high and too close to the top of the dental ridge.



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Tel: +852 8118 2222
Email:  info@stardental.com.hk

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Monday to Friday : 9:00am to 6:30pm
Saturday : 9am to 1:00pm
Sunday and Public Holiday : Closed


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